
학부 교육과정

학과소개 교과소개 교과목개요

  교과 소개
학년 학기 이수 구분 교 과 목 명(영문) 학점
1 2 전선

융합기초전기전자공학(Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering) 3-3-0
친환경차시스템공학개론(An Introduction to Electric Vehicle) 3-3-0
2 1 전선

자동차3차원설계(Automobile 3-D Design) 3-2-2
차량소프트웨어엔지니어링(Automotive Software Engineering) 3-3-0
객체지향프로그래밍(Object Oriented Programming) 3-2-2
디지털논리회로(Digital Engineering) 3-3-0
2 전선

자동차SW디자인융합의기초(Automobile-S/W-design) 3-3-0
지능형자동차구조실무(Intelligent Vehicle Structural Training) 3-2-2
동역학(Dynamics) 3-3-0
자율주행과C-ITS(Autonomous Driving and C-ITS ) 3-3-0
자동차재료학(Automotive Materials) 3-3-0
3 1 전선

친환경자동차구조실무(Electric Vehicle Structural Training) 3-2-2
자동제어(Automatic Control) 3-3-0
전자회로(Electronic Circuit) 3-3-0
마이크로프로세서(Microprocessor) 3-2-2
전력전자공학(Power Electronics) 3-3-0
2 전선

캡스톤디자인Ⅰ(Capstone DesignⅠ) 1-0-2
자율주행자동차기술(Overview of Autonomous Vehicle Technology) 3-3-0
차량동역학(Vehicle Dynamics) 3-3-0
차량신호처리(Signal Processing in Automotive Engineering) 3-3-0
하이브리드 및 전기자동차(Hybrid and Electric Vehicle) 3-3-0
4 1 전선

캡스톤디자인Ⅱ(Capstone DesignⅡ) 2-0-4
자동차인공지능(Automotive Artificial Intelligence) 3-3-0
스마트모빌러티서비스(Smart Mobility Service) 3-3-0
차량센서공학(Automotive Sensor Engineering) 3-3-0
자율주행PG응용(Autonomous Vehicle Proving Grounds) 3-2-2
자율주행V2X통신(V2X Communication for Autonomous Driving) 3-3-0
자동차인간공학(Automotive Human Factors Engineering) 3-3-0
UROP I (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program I) 1-0-2
혁신융합세미나(COSS Seminar) 1-1-0
2 전선

알파프로젝트(Alpha Project) 3-0-6
전동화파워트레인(Electrified Power Train) 3-3-0
차량비전시스템(Automotive Vision System) 3-3-0
자율주행위치인식(Localization for Autonomous Driving) 3-2-2
NVH(Noise Vibration Harshness) 3-3-0
모터이론 및 제어(Motor Theory and Control) 3-3-0
UROP II (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program II) 1-0-2